Vivo como artista en Dunedin, Nueva Zelanda. Mi trabajo atiende a la potencia del arte para retar al status-quo y presentar vías alternativas. Mi practica utiliza herramientas y metodologías del diseño para investigar cuestiones relativas a la identidad, la comprensión del espacio y sus implicaciones políticas. En ocasiones, mi práctica parte de observaciones sencillas hacia mi entorno, a partir de las cuales comienzo proyectos abiertos con múltiples resultados.


I am an artist living in Dunedin, New Zealand. My work is concerned with the potential for art to challenge the status-quo and present alternative paths. My practice uses the tools and methodologies of design to investigate issues of identity, understanding of place, and the political implications of both. Often beginning with a simple observation from the world around me, I create open-ended research projects with multiple outcomes.

My project The Freedom of the Migrant focused on a 2016 New Zealand Herald report in which then Prime Minister John Key publicly speculated that the perception of increased terrorism in Europe during the refugee crisis would make New Zealand more attractive as a distant bolt-hole for high net-worth consumers. Through a solo exhibition and publication, this project addresses the impact of dominant political narratives constructed around terrorism and refugees, and the influence such narratives have on our collective perceptions of border control, freedom of movement, and national identity.
The Ground Swallows You began with the observation of a cargo ship arriving into Otago Harbour, NZ, carrying phosphate rock, which I traced to a mine in occupied Western Sahara. The project discusses the trade of disputed minerals from this region to global north economies. As part of my research for this project I travelled to the Saharawi Refugee Camps in Algeria, where I presented work, interviewed activists and experienced life in the Camps.

The Silver Bulletin was a publication I edited, designed and published in response to living through the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. The project reflected on ideas of democracy and symbolism during Christchurch’s rebuild, exploring the use of design, power and cultural capital to sell a new city back to Christchurch residents. This project was re-presented as an installation in 2016, revisiting the political and cultural energy immediately following the earthquakes.

The physics room: Sandyfor. Publicación.

As time goes by. Instalación.

This time of useful consciousness. Instalación,